La Commission européenne attribue à Scytl un nouveau projet de recherche

Fév 14, 2018

The European Commission has awarded Scytl a new research project under the H2020 program. The project, entitled Co-Inform, aims to empower citizens, journalists and policymakers to jointly develop a socio-technical solution that increases resilience to misinformation (fake news, post-truths, echo chambers) and encourages more transparent behavior and policies.

The Co-Inform Intelligent Platform (web application, browser plugin and mobile app) will combine advanced tools for large data analysis (false information detection, real-time prediction and flow processing, and measurement of acceptance or refusal of false information on the part of the population) and will favor informed decision-making (verification of the facts). Co-Inform will be developed by a leading interdisciplinary group of social scientists (International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Cyprus University of Technology and University of Koblenz), journalists specializing in the verification of facts ( FactCheckNI), computer scientists (UK Open University, Hellenic International University and Stockholm University) and software developers (Expert Systems Iberia and Scytl). The project is also supported by key international organizations such as the Council of Europe, the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), the International Fact-Checking Network, and Antirumours Global, among others.

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