Scytl eGovernance platform cited by leading industry analyst, government and IT media

Barcelona , June 24, 2014Scytl, the worldwide leader in secure online voting and election  modernization further establishes its leadership and  innovative approach to improved eGovernance with its eDemocracy Portal and eConsultations solutions.

As published in the June 5th William Welsh InformationWeek article entitled Smart Government: All About Disruption, “In its June 3 report The Age of the Citizen: Smart Governments Embrace and Enable Disruption, [Forrester Research, Inc. access requires subscription] says today’s social media-driven world means agencies at all levels of government must engage with citizens in ways that lead to improved service, data-revealing transparency, and participatory policymaking.” William Welsh continues, “The report outlines applications for conducting online [consultations and] town-hall meetings such as Scytl…”

Scytl´s innovative technology and driving force continues to raise the bar in helping governments large and small to ensure improved engagement to empower their citizens; citizens that are demanding increased government transparency, improved government efficiency, and overall better government service delivery.

“We are in the ‘era of the citizen’. The need to optimize government resources and help promote citizen engagement to cater to the increasing demand for transparency and citizen´s direct involvement in public policies is key,” says Mikel Irizar SVP at Scytl. “Our solutions are designed to provide increased citizen engagement and participation with the highest levels of security, transparency and accessibility.”

Scytl eGovernance strategies allow public administrations to move forward towards a transparent and participatory democracy by using innovative technology to:

  • Increase transparency of the political process allowing citizen access to information, documents and proceedings from the public administration, ensuring effective public oversight.
  • Improved participation and engagement with more active citizen collaboration in decision making processes opening new channels for bi-directional discussions and deliberation.
  • Better citizen public opinion assessment via data analysis with key indicators facilitating decision making and performance assessment.

About Scytl

Scytl is the global leader in secure election management and electronic voting solutions. Specializing in election modernization technologies, Scytl offers the first end-to-end election management and voting platform, providing the highest security and transparency standards currently available. Scytl has capitalized on its more than 18 years of research to develop election-specific cryptographic security technology protected by more than 40 international patents and patent applications, positioning Scytl as the company with the largest patent portfolio of the industry. Scytl’s solutions have been successfully used in more than 35 countries throughout the world over the last 10 years, including Canada, the United States, Mexico, Ecuador, the EU, France, Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, Bosnia-Herzegovina, the UAE, India and Australia. Scytl is headquartered in Barcelona, Spain with strategic offices in Canada, the United States, Peru and Greece as well as field offices in the UK, Ukraine, Australia, Malaysia and Brazil.

Media Contacts


Leticia Barcia

Senior Director Marketing Communications, Scytl

+34 934 230 324