Executive appointments support election modernization growth in North America

Jan 29, 2014

To help lead innovation and growth in the election space in North America, Branden Elwell will lead SOE as the new General Manager for Scytl in North America while Marc Fratello becomes the Executive Advisor for M&A.

“The acquisition of SOE has exceeded all our expectations and we are very grateful to Marc for the fantastic transition that he has done over the past two years. Marc was also instrumental in our recent acquisition of Maxim and he will now play a pivotal role as M&A advisor in future transactions.” says Pere Valles, CEO of Scytl. “As General Manager, Branden Elwell will be responsible for executing a very ambitious expansion plan to lead our company to new highs in the North American market.” concludes Mr. Valles.

<<Full details on SOE executive appointments. >>

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