Scytl Security Protocols Ensure Clients are Unaffected by Heartbleed Bug

Apr 11, 2014

Scytl´s end-to-end security protocols and encryption ensure that none of their online voting implementations are affected by the exposed vulnerability in OpenSSL or attacks similar to the Heartbleed bug. Unlike other online voting technology solutions, Scytl does not rely solely on communication channel security or encryption (SSL encryption) but instead, implements full and in-depth end-to-end encryption and security.

With Scytl Online Voting solutions, votes are encrypted on the client devise where the voting takes place. The moment the vote leaves the client application it is both encrypted and digitally signed, unlike other solutions where the vote is not encrypted until it reaches the voting server, leaving it open with full details on voting options, related user id´s or passwords and vulnerable to communication channel attacks such as the Heartbleed bug.

Full details on how Scytl security protocols

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